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Our mission to Mali


Everyone knows, or has heard about it, it is an important question that we experience every day.  

In the atmosphere two gases are harmful to the climate: CO2 and Methane. There are others… Methane, real rubbish. Putrefaction, volcano, etc. CO2 30 billion tons per year in the atmosphere. When the earth heats up (COP observation 1 to 28) we must reduce CO2, which comes from our breathing (we breathe air, our intelligent lungs keep oxygen and reject carbon), car gases , planes, heating, boats, big polluters from oil wells, etc.….  


What are we doing to reduce CO2 in our atmosphere?

 1- Reduce CO2 production / Experts recommend using electric cars, consuming less energy at home, removing and turning off your charging devices, etc.

2- Extremists demand degrowth!!!

3- Protect our oceans which capture Carbon with their plankton, their shells.

4- Protect our forests around the world and Plant trees…  


Olivier Kreiss, read his involvement on the site:, has made it a reason to live since his retirement. For 15 years, Olivier has been involved in planting more than 500,000 trees each year, helped by Novartis, the Swedish Nature Cooperation, but alone since 2021.



 Activist participants, Bérangère, Katia, Gerard, Eric, Gary, Henri, Julien, Matteo, Benjamin and many others decided to mobilize the Western world to raise awareness of everyone's carbon footprint, easy to calculate on several sites. THERE are billions of people who have this awareness but who do not have the simple gesture of COMPENSATING:  


We know thanks to several software programs that the average carbon footprint in France is 9 tonnes of carbon per year. In Switzerland 8.8 tonnes of carbon per year.  We intervene, not only to raise awareness but to make a SIMPLE gesture to do,  

PLAN A TREE OR BUY A TON OF CARBON PER MONTH TO BE CARBON NEUTRAL.   The motto  2024 DECARBONIZE YOURSELF.  A tree, through the chlorophyll effect, absorbs carbon from the air, sends it underground which will produce coal, oil and gas in 10,000,000 years and will release oxygen.  Our ambition is to offer you the opportunity to buy tons of carbon, for yourself, or to offer some to your friends, or even better to convince polluters to help farmers in MALI, Olivier KREISS's partnership land.  More than 15 million trees have been planted in southern Mali, 150/200 km from Bamako, Jatrophas, Mango trees, Acacias and for 15 years CASHEW TREE, which not only sequester CARBON, but also produce fruits whose pulp in fruit juice is excellent but cashew nuts, which the world is crazy about in recent years.  The chlorophyll effect of trees is widely proven and indisputable, help us to democratize, generalize, popularize, popularize. this commitment  



9.90 EURO / - CHF  9 = ONE TON OF CARBON  


One click, one twint, one gesture and offset your carbon footprint

How can we finance our tree plantations?

1. Buy one tonne of carbon credit can finance the planting of a tree 

Support JMI directly through direct payments: Contact us

3. Buy cashew nuts from Mali:

5 sachets of 100 grams can finance the planting of a tree


The existence and growth of the planted cashew trees will be validated by a "Veritas"-type organization, which will be able to annually certify the results in terms of tree growth and fruit harvesting.

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